Have a look at some of the cool projects we are working on ....

Waste Diversion and Recycling
Partners in Energy
Xcel Energy Partners in Energy provides communities in Colorado, Minnesota, and Wisconsin services to develop an energy plan and assistance with implementing that plan. Each community has its own unique energy needs and priorities, and Partners in Energy tailors its services to complement each community’s vision.
More and more communities are realizing energy planning plays a critical role in helping them reach their goals. The benefits of wise energy choices are diverse. By working with citizens, businesses, and even their own government facilities, a community can shave dollars off utility bills, promote renewables, drive resource conservation or contribute toward greenhouse gas reduction goals.
Partners in Energy helps address the challenge of identifying local priorities and then structures a path that leverages all resources available.
We have had multiple meetings with the Windsor Town Board and got the go-ahead for the project. We have helped to develop the Energy Action Plan which can be found at
Promoting Water Conservation
The Town of Windsor provides complimentary water efficiency audits. They are available to Windsor Utility customers. Typically, indoor audits are scheduled for the fall and winter months and outdoor irrigation audits are scheduled April through October.
Indoor Audit
All homes could benefit from an audit — but homes that are more than 20 years old will see the most savings. Landlords and property managers are also encouraged to schedule audits at all of their properties. Commercial, industrial, or institutional properties may also get audited. Indoor audits are available year-round.
A water auditor will:
· seek out leaks and other unintended uses of water
· look for high-water-use appliances
· provide new showerheads and faucet aerators
· suggest repairs, rebates or upgrades
Outdoor Irrigation Audit
An irrigation audit is a series of tests on your automatic sprinkling system to check the performance and determine how uniformly the system applies water to the lawn. The program runs April – October.
Each audit includes:
· a visual inspection of each zone to identify problems
· tests that measure how much water is being applied
· a water pressure check and adjustment recommendation
· a custom watering schedule derived from the tests performed
· information about your lawn's seasonal needs for water
By following our audit recommendations, you’ll conserve water — and you should see not only a lower water bill but also a healthier lawn.
Rebates for recommended technologies are available to audit participants that use Windsor potable water to irrigate with, but the service is free to all residents of Windsor.
For more information - visit:
Highway Cleanup
Every 6 months -- Sustainable Windsor spends a few hours cleaning a section of State Hwy. 257 between mile markers 6-8. Normally SWC cleans that stretch of the highway in October and again around Earth Day in the Spring. We are hoping we can team up with you (and anyone else that would like to join), have some breakfast together at the site (our treat), and make fast work of the highway cleanup.
If you would like to help, please let Don Johnson at 970-686-7802 - Come join us -- we might even have a breakfast burrito for you .....
Windsor Community Events
Halloween Carnival
Boardwalk Park Windsor History Museum
Last Saturday in October - 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The Halloween Carnival is one of Windsor's largest community events with up to 5,000 people in attendance each year! The Halloween Carnival offers a safe space for trick-or-treating with local businesses and organizations. There are also lots of activities including inflatables, live music and dancing, food trucks, and more!
This event is free to attend and is appropriate for all ages. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Residents participating are encouraged to attend with costumes and candy bags/buckets for all the treats provided by sponsoring businesses. The Halloween Carnival is made possible by sponsorship from local businesses and organizations. Each year, over 5,000 community members attend the Halloween Carnival, giving sponsors the ability to make one-on-one connections and engage with Windsor citizens.
Windsor Winter Wonderland
Boardwalk Park Windsor History Museums
First Saturday in December - 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Come join us as Boardwalk Park turns into a wonderland of lights, food trucks, and holiday activities for all ages! The event will begin with Santa arriving on the Great Western Railway Train and the annual Holiday Proclamation and tree lighting ceremony.

Based on discussions with the Town Board, SWC is developing new approaches to waste diversion and recycling. These approaches include:
· An awareness/education program to become better "recyclers" -- which will both save money and promote a more sustainable Windsor.
· Working with Front Range Waste Diversion (FRWD) to help the town move to hauler licensing and (in the future) single hauler
· Preparing the community for the Extended Producer Responsibility (ERP) over the next 2 years
· Working with the town on providing recycling services in public spaces using an outside organization.
For more information visit
For more information on Recycling - see our Recycling page.
Some Photos from our events ...
Trash to Treasure Workshop - April 2024
Earth Day Ft Collins - April 2024