We Have A Winner!!

RECYCLING SIMPLIFIED - WE HAVE A WINNER !! -- Overall statistics ... we had over 500 visits to the site and over 50 people took the quiz. Our winner was Emily (we did not ask for last name). If you want to check out the overall project summary -- we have it posted here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cHiAkNmrqdwzN2WdjmuAFgSArgwUVp0Y/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114580022786297543969&rtpof=true&sd=true

As part of Sustainable Windsor's projects for 2024 - the Recycling Simplified project aims to increase recycling in Windsor and, at the same time, reduce contamination in the recycling process.

And BIG THANKS to Common Good Compost for this AMAZING donation -- we are so grateful!! (and a bunch of us have now signed up for the service !!)

The site is going to stay available - so please check it out ... and help us to create a more circular economy and reduce the load on our landfills ... !!

Recycling Simplified

... is Sustainable Windsor's Awareness Program designed to educate and inform residents on HOW to recycle. Given the low rate of recycling in Colorado, this program is intended to increase recycling in Windsor. The program consists of some quick read educational content and then an optional quiz at the end of the material. Given you provide an email address and get 80% correct on the online quiz - you will be entered into a drawing for a great prize.

Welcome to Recycling Simplified ....

Working with the local hauling companies (e.g. Republic Services and others) -- Sustainable Windsor has developed a set of training materials which we hope will result in better recycling practices in Windsor (and Northern Colorado in general).

We recognize that people learn differently - so we have 3 training approaches:

As you will see in the training, Colorado does a poor job on recycling. Though many Northern Colorado residents have recycling provided for them (sometimes as part of their hauler agreement - and sometimes at an extra cost) - non-participation and the level of contamination in the recycled materials creates many challenges in the recycling process.

This training will start with an overview of recycling and then we will discuss the challenges that we need to address to be more "sustainable". We will then cover how to be more effective with recycling ... and the key point is ... it is really easy if you just follow a few key steps.

So let's get started -- we will first discuss the Recycling Challenges -- just click the CHALLENGES button below ....

Recycling Simplified

Starts on April 20 2024

Drawing will be on May 30 2024

Links to Recycling Simplified Training

We have muliple ways to learn about Recycling Simplified

If you prefer to watch a video - go to our Recycling Simplified Training Video: https://youtu.be/Nwsli3P-euQ

The Recycling Simplified Training Slides (PDF) with Notes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10AC1N60tBOf5NdNVahIuM1kDPh46qkvN

If you prefer to read a document - go to our Recycling Simplified Training Document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VrreDZ1KToV6qOCrbvjSIWOo0xws8Rj4

And ... make sure to download the Recycling Simplified Poster

and put it on your refriegrator https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bHJxBnSDCKdJ8rPUCmKp4fBKswlxuMS4